Five Simple Tasks to Do When Your Anxiety Feels Heavy

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The lack of normalcy and the unknowns has had this mama on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Anyone else?

I know I am not alone in saying that anxiety has become heavy at times during the quarantine/pandemic. For me, anxiety is a good reminder that it is time to check in with myself and make some changes to feel my best on the inside.

If you are running on empty, then everyone around you suffers.

These five simple things always help me when my anxiety feels heavy!

1)     Doing a random act of kindness.

For me, putting positive energy into the world always makes me feel better.

Cool fact, A study done in 2018 by the Journal of Social Psychology found that acts of altruism are linked to reward processing areas of the brain. So, there is some truth to this!

2)     Getting outdoors.

Being outside in the sunshine is an instant mood booster for me.

Did you know that being outside improves memory and the ability to focus? If I can, I love to get a long walk in with the dog. The alone time helps me recharge and clear my mind!

 3)     Allowing myself to take a break!

Whether that means calling a babysitter, escaping to a quiet coffee shop, getting in a solo workout, or allowing the kids to have some extra TV time, its ok! We all need a break sometimes.

We cannot be on 24/7!

 4)     Reading a book!

Reading can relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension of your muscles.

5)     Get Active!

This is a perfect way to release feel good endorphins and help to eliminate stress! This can be a nice long walk, a run, or even a bike ride! Whatever you prefer!



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